Dr. Birinchi Kumar Das
Barpeta Girls' College
From The Principal's Desk
Barpeta Girls’ College, Barpeta (affiliated to UGC U/s 2F & 12 (B) and provincialized), the only institution of higher education for women in the district was established in 1978. The college has been providing higher education in various subjects comprising the faculties of ARTS & COMMERCE both at H>S and UG level and also providing free Computer Education through the centre of ICT, Barpeta Girls’ College.
The College has made all efforts to keep pace with the new challenges of education and infrastructure development in the present day context.
I am pleased to infrom all the well wishers that the college has been assessed and accredited twice by NAAC peer team and awarded the grade ‘C’ & ‘B’ respectively in its first & secand cycle inspection.
I welcome each and every knowledge seekers to fulfill their expectation by getting admission into this glorious women institution.
Soliciting your co-operation to make this woman higher educational institution as a centre of excellence.